pada satu hari..ibu saye col...
ibu:along watpe tu..
saye: xde watpe..bu, syaz ngan kawan2 along yg laen ajak buke same ari sabtu nnt..leh x?
ibu: soh la diorg buat minggu depan..xkan along nk balik ahad kot..minggu depan ibu tido kl..nnt leh buke ngan diorg..
saye: syaz da booking tmpt ntok along..
ibu: booking je adek da tnye bile nk balik..
saye: =(...baek...along balik..
kene call syaz tp cancel my name from d list...
dahla gather ramai2...wuwu...
rindu gile same kawan2 yg lame gile x jumpe cm ama..syez..
tp...bile ibu da ckp mcm tu..kite jadi lemah sgt
family comes first from anything..
jadiknye msg syaz dgn penuh rase bersalah...
ckp x dpt join...nada syaz tau cm kecewe ngan saye..hehe..perasan..
tp da janji nk buke next week..hehe...
so kire dpt gak buke...=))
so conclusionnye saye akan balik k rumah ptg ini lepas koko nari (yg mengganggu rutin weekend saye)
koko nari 12-3 balik teros k melaka kol 3 tu.hehehe....
tp DRIVE SORG2...dahla ujan..wuwuw...
sape mau ekot???
jom2 teman saye...hehe...
bestnye dpt buke di rumah...rindu2...
*padehal tiap2 minggu balik*
Friday, August 28, 2009
balik kampung!!
Posted by IzZa NaDiaH aBaS at 8:07 PM 2 comments
Monday, August 24, 2009
hepy time di rumah
weekend lepas...on d 1st day of pose...
i balik umah...
pas koku around 3pm..
my family picked me up at kolej..
seronok sgt dpt buke pose 1st ngan family..
x tergambar seronoknye...
kali ni balik pon cm laen sgt..
cm the family bonding become stronger..
sume cm rapat..
kalau before ni syapik dok blasah kakak die...
tp balik kali ni die asek pelok...=p
seronok sgt rasenye....
huhuhu....sume ade time amek i kt kolej...
*ngade2 x nk balik sendrik*
xde...mesti komuter penuh..
then bus dari seremban ke melaka x tau ade k x...
*mcm2 alasan la keluar*
hahaha...time tu ujan...sedap sgt nk tido...
i slept until we reached seremban kot...
stop sbb jammed yg terok sgt...
kalau da kt seremban it's a natural thing laa...
then ade plak accident..
Malaysians ni pantang tgk accident...
mesti nk slow down d car then tgk sape yg accident..kete ape...mati k x...
ngeri kottt...
mmg byk kete time tu sbb sume nk balik buke kt kmpung halaman masing2..
then balik teros g umah nenek..
buke pose kt sane...rindu sbb lame dah x jumpe dorg...
after 3 years ari 1st pose kt bintulu..
dpt gak bukak pose kt umah...
makanan yg disajikan:
- mee sup blackpepper (made by manje tp disudahkan oleh nenek sbb kitorg pg bazar)
- roti boom
- kueh mueh
- air asam boi
- tauhu sumbat
- ape lagik ek...
sume nye nak...
sume nmpk sedap...duit pon lau je jalan
pas buke da x lalu da nk mkn..
jgn tamak...hehe
smbg next entry...
xd gmbr sbb camera rosak...
tunggu i beli baru ek...hehehe...
Posted by IzZa NaDiaH aBaS at 4:53 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
:: skip class!!
entry da ckup baek punye...
btol ckp org..once kite da memonteng...da sedap jek nk memonteng..
ni sume gare2 BIOCHEMSTRY nye TEST mlm nih...
if my dad know yg i skip class nih..
just wish he didnt have time to read my blog...
i skip class ANT 2001 which is MASYARAKAT DAN PERUBAHAN..
for BIOCHEMISTRY TEST 8pm-10 pm tonite...
*tp mcmla kalau ponteng i study....
notes kt dpan tp mate kt lptop..
just had my english test..
got 8/10...
kema got full mark..
jelesh2...but it's ok laa... kan..
nway...arini i pose..biaselaa kalau org2 pmpuan ni pose di saat2 nk bulan pose ni..
paham2 jela kan..
*padan muke sape soh ganti lmbt2..
hahahahaha...*evil laugh* gelakkan diri sendrik..
eh...ape nk jadi ni..da kol bape..kate nk study biochem yg senang cm ciput tu..
eh ade ke peribahase cmtu??
bukan2...slow cm siput adela..
otak pon da x berfungsi dgn begitu baek...
xpe2...abes ek test ni kite meronggeng..
leh plak smlm abg saye mengajak saye bermaen bwling...
xde keje tol..dahla berpose..pastu nk xm biochem..
mmg buang tebiat..
tp saye x ekot..konon nk study..!
saje xmo kaco dorg dating..
xbest plak ekot org berdating kan..
nnt kaco plak...
tol x...mlass nk mengaco daun..
lagipon adela *masalah2 laen*...
oklaa...katil da cm memanggel2..
till then n so like!
Posted by IzZa NaDiaH aBaS at 7:17 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
:hectic week!:
cian saye..minggu ni adelah minggu paling x best sekali...dengan test...dogathon stuff..koku..mmg xde weekend la senang cite...very d busy...
14 AUGUST 2009 = TEST BIOCHEMISTRY ( 8.30-10.30 PM) (CANCELLED!!!)
16 AUGUST 2009 = DOGATHON UPM (5AM-2.00PM) minggu ni adelah minggu yg pling x besh!
membe2 ajak hang out pon x dpt...
yg bestnye siap g melaka..
mkn ikan bakar...
so...cpatla minggu ni abes...
lupe nk gtau..test biochem tu postpone next week..
sbb minggu ni sebok wat preparation ntok DOGATHON..
pade sume yg x tau...
DOGATHON ialah acare tahunan yg budak VET UPM anjurkan every year...
ade macam2 game...ntok dogs n also ntok kite pon ade..
sape2 yg berminat leh dtg tgk..
how is the event looks like...

Posted by IzZa NaDiaH aBaS at 7:04 AM 1 comments
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Friday, August 7, 2009
location: A-1-5-2 Kolej 17 UPM SERDANG..
time: 12.59pm
date: 080809
today is ibu n ayah's annivessary...080809...nice date..act diorg nikah on 25/12/ nikah hari bersanding is on diorg cm nk date due....tamak date arini lagi chantek...kan...annivessary diorg yg ke 22 tahun...YEAH!!!
hehe..ibu ayah...along sayang ibu ayah sgt....
japg diorg dtg...yeah2....leh jumpe2...pelok2..cium sume...hehe...
hehe...semoge ibu n ayah berkekalan hingga ke anak cucu...cucu??hahahaha...sengal la pale ni...
Posted by IzZa NaDiaH aBaS at 9:59 PM 3 comments
hye back!
hye kamu semue...sori la lame sgt da x update...teramat bz skang..dts y xde mase nk update..xpe2...after dpt tenet nnt kt umah, akan ku update selalu ek...hehe...
Posted by IzZa NaDiaH aBaS at 2:18 AM 0 comments