really tired today.... have to wear coverall to see how is feed being mixed for goat.... it is so hot but soon after we finished the was raining outside...alhamdulillah... ;)
i went back to the room and fall asleep..too tired....
kalaula boleh dpt mcm ni..seronoknye....
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
penat macam semalaman x tidur~
Posted by IzZa NaDiaH aBaS at 4:11 AM 0 comments
Sunday, February 28, 2010
in the month of february...
rakan2 seperjuangan....makcik2 la plak list....
hahahaha....based on the topic above....byk tol activity sepanjang bulan 2 ni...
the list are :
1) a friend's WEDDING
2) LEPAKING with friends...
3) zapin practising throughout the month...
byk lagi act....
ok 1 st activity which is a friend's wedding ialah kawan batch saye..iaitu mase zaman ssp dulu2...time kcik2 katekan... it was a great wedding of hers.... glad and at the same time amazed and shocked that my fren already got means we are getting older by time..huhuhu...yela...rase kejap jek...tibe2 da ade husband da die...huhu...nway wants to congratulate her and may them be happy always!!
after this lagi bykla my comrades friends getting married....da bersusun da list... cant wait...
my fren nye wedd ni buat kat putrajaya lake club...amira mmg bagus sbb maybe she knows her comrades's frens camane so die letak kitorg kt tingkat atas...which is air-conditoined room and not so many guests are sitting there...sbb kitorg akan buat bising gile2 because of lame sgt x jumpe...hahahaha..and we were just like reunion instead of a formal wedding ok...
mmg da jadi sgt x formal....bising xyah la cakap...everyone was like kissing and hugging when member2 dtg...hahahaha....kelaka... ok xyah ckp byk2 nnt korg bosan....
here are some of the pictures taken~ layan...
here goes the second story...that nite after mira's wedding, orang tido umah syaz...sbb it's quite late nk balik upm tkot pak guard kesayangan budak2 kolej 17 x bg masuk plak..n sian plak syaz nk anta malam2... so tido la umah syaz...before tido kitorg borak2 pe sume then tibe2 kua plan nk hang out ngan membe2 lame kami..hehehe..iaitu...akem..farez....
venue: alamanda
time: 12.30-7.30 (hahahahaha)
activity : eating at johnys for about ( 4 hours ) lepaking also laaa..then g cek bowling...penuh...karok pon penuh but we still want to bukan we...enchek farez yg bersuare sedap nk amekla no then wait for the list....adela dlm 45 minutes kot kitrog tunggu...
tp kan berbaloi...sebab...enchek farez belanje...hahahaha..pastu dpt dgar plak suare die yg sedap ala2 penyanyi indon...aduhaiii...berbaloi2...hehehehe...
xleh ayat i n syaz...
Saye: kanla suare ori penyanyi tu (time farez tga nyanyi)
syaz: weh izza...tu suare die la....
ok tgk balik farez...mmg suare die pon...i was just like..WOW! kawan saye ade suare yg sgt sedap tnpe saye tau...hehehehe...besh2dpt lepak ngan diorg...
i n syaz pon dipakse nyanyi..kitorg bukan mahal kot suare kami..sedap sgt...hahaha...
xnk xnk pon nyanyi 4 lagu gak kot..hahahaha..kelaka....
ok2...sile tgk pic ini..ok???
oh ye..BTW.... our zapin competetion a.k.a ZAFEST akan dibuat pada 27 mac 2010...
pade pukul 8 mlm ok..di panggung percubaan UPM..meh2 dtg tgk n support K17 n support kebudayaan kite...ececehhh....
Posted by IzZa NaDiaH aBaS at 7:16 AM 0 comments
Monday, January 25, 2010
*MY new BABY*
ive got my new baby!!! its pinky!!!
i bet some of u must be wondering what is my is him looks him my new love??
or any cute pets that many of veterinarians like to keep??'s act my bby phone... W705...
let's take a look~ preety kan??? and also handsome+macho+tempting....ouchhh...caer sudah..hahahaha...
act there are a lots of new phone that are more functionable and maju lagi than this...
but when i saw u... i terus jatuh cinte...cane???hehehehe
i love u cooo muchi!!!
gile kan??? fall in love with phone...
i will take care of it!! i promish u...:)
everyone who seeing me with this new phone will be like...chanteknye!!!wahh..pretty...
thanx for all d pujians...hehehehe....she knows she pretty... *wink*
after nearly 4 years i didnt buy any phone, this is new one...
act i love it because of it's design...the functions are same with other phones i think...
but the specialty bout this phone is we can shake it to change the song... so just shake!!!hehehe
there are other 2 and also silver... but silver is plain!boring...for guys leh la kot... tp slide phone is not so suitable for men i think!! looks feminine...
what else.??
ooh it comes with 4 GB of memory... so that means i will take a lots of pictures of myself!!of course~~
i love the design at the back of the phone...chantek kan??
these are few pic i took... oklaaa... even it's just 3.2 megapixel...still look pretty!!

Posted by IzZa NaDiaH aBaS at 11:31 PM 4 comments
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Ungu – Cinta Dalam Hati
mungkin ini memang jalan takdirku
mengagumi tanpa di cintai
tak mengapa bagiku asal kau pun bahagia
dengan hidupmu, dengan hidupmu
telah lama kupendam perasaan itu
menunggu hatimu menyambut diriku
tak mengapa bagiku cintaimu pun adalah
bahagia untukku, bahagia untukku
ku ingin kau tahu diriku di sini menanti dirimu
meski ku tunggu hingga ujung waktuku
dan berharap rasa ini kan abadi untuk selamanya
dan ijinkan aku memeluk dirimu kali ini saja
tuk ucapkan selamat tinggal untuk selamanya
dan biarkan rasa ini bahagia untuk sekejab saja
i love this's a really lovely song...
Posted by IzZa NaDiaH aBaS at 2:55 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
mari kite tgk ape yg berubah??hehehehe
zaman matrikulasi:::: ye..masih comel di situ...muke mcm budak2 lagi...-.-

time diploma??
ape jadi??

Posted by IzZa NaDiaH aBaS at 4:51 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
hey im back!!
assalamualaikum and hye everyone!!
it's been a longggggggggggg time since i didnt blog!
kenape ek....kerana bz teramat sgt then cm xde cite best pon nk cite...
ok..lets start with this sem's new subjects....
oh ya i nearly forgot...last sem i only managed to get not so gud CGPA...
org ckp cukup2 mkn jelaa... this semester...i promised to myself to do better...
1) kurangkan maen2..
2)kurangkan menari nari nih...
3)kurangkan balik rumah...coz at home for sure i didnt study...
4)kurangkan FB!
5)rajen2 study...
here it goes...
ok..tu jek nk cite....
one of my batchmate will get married this february..
she's the first one to get married in our batch!!
waaa...x sangke!!!
mmg nk sgt pergi sbb mesti ramai comrades dtg and leh wat gathering...
ok..these are some pictures i took during my practical last holiday...
at malacca zoo and PAWS subang jaya...
Posted by IzZa NaDiaH aBaS at 5:43 AM 0 comments