it was my second day of teaching at Sek Men Ra****..Masjid Tanah Melaka...
it was better since yesterday..
pagi2 smpai..
parking kete tp bukan dlm garaj..
yelaa..cekgu sementare je pon okk??
then g office..bukan punch card..tulis waktu smpai n balik..manually laa..
then i went to the principle's room..
sume cekgu2 baru wajib jumpe..berkenalan bak katenye..hehe
mule2 cuak..yela kite 1st time keje..
then bile i masuk..she's a warm person..very welcoming me..
then borak sket..rupenye she was my super supe duper senior at seri puteri..hehehe
meet the senior la kirenye ni..hehe..
then kuar her office..kenela senyum2 n bertego all d senior teachers..
since i'm new..xnkla ckp sombong..
then ade one chinese teacher ckp..
'wahh..chantekla kebaye y'
then i ckp la thanx..mrning..
hehe...mase tu da agak rase best..
sbb jumpe principle da best then ade plak org tego baju chantek..hehe..
so i started my day with a really good one..
so mood pon rase best jek..
hehe...japg smbung...byk cite..tp teacher da penat la murid2..hehe