Tuesday, May 19, 2009


hye sume...im still blogging even when im working..bocan dok umah tu la kene keje..but when i started work, i just realise that working means sacrificing ur time..ur quality time with family d most importnt...n when my frens ajak lepak pon kene pk due tige kali..sbb nk amek cuti pon satu hal..it's hard to take a leave act..poning gak bile da keje ni..huhu...

tp it's a good experience for those whom never work before..working is exciting when u enjoy it to most n think d positive sides of it..besides earning money, we also can mingle around to find new friends..one more thing..work can makes me loosing my weight because sumtimes i forgot to take my meals..y??

because rest is so much important than anything...i always let my stomach craving for food when i have to choose between sleep n eat..OF COURSE I CHOOSE SLEEP..after get some rest..i will wake up n start searching for anything to eat..even MAGGI is so tempting at that time..hehe...ape yg da melalut ni...haha...i'll upload my pics during working some other tme...okeh....so boys n gurls..think twice or more when u want to work...bile ur parents ckp xyah keje..dok umah je..so ekot jela ckp diorg...hehe...jgn lupe tu...ok...daaa~

enjoy life while u can!


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