today is the day where SPM candidates 2008 are having their result..Dup dap dup my own family..they are all very concern about knowing other's people result..excited sgt kot!ni phone call from ibu ptg smlm
ibu:heloo along, tido ke? (ayat same evrytime col, sbb mmg asek tido je)
izza (along) : xdela bu (ayat cover)..lepak2 jek..
ibu : tau x esok result SPM keluar..sok tnye la nani..
izza : along plak yg cuak..hehe..orait2..
ibu: test 1 sume result da kuar ke?
izza : dah2 (engt aje die kalau test ni..)
ibu: ok?
izza: ok laa...hehe..
ibu: pasal dress tu nnt ibu post kan sket la long
izza : tau..nnt along pakai bju tight itam kat dalam tu..
ibu: ok2..okla...bye~
izza: bye... td msg nani..relax je die..die ckp result x kuar lagik..mlm td leh tido lene..mkn pon btmbh byk je..hehe..pastu die msg
nani : 'kak izza..Alhamdulillah nani dapat 10 A..8A1..2 A2..
izza : 'wahhhh..tahniah!kem slm kt mak ayah..wat kenduri besar2 an nnt'
wah!!!bestnyeee...dalam sejarah family kirenye die la yg plg terer skang..congrats to her!mesti mlm tido bermimpi2 indah skang..hehe...yg pling penting skang ialah adek saye.. MANJE..die form 5 mesti ibu n ayah push hard soh die study..manje..i just know u can do mlas je kan?huhu...xlame pon pressure tu..nnt pas SPM..nk wat ape watla..huhu.. nani yg dok tepi manje (xpakai tudung)..hehe..
CONGRATS to those who had pass with FLYING COLOURS...(wah..mesti chantek) ntok x bape nk flying colours, this is not d end of d day..chaiyok!!ade hikmah atas evrything... ni manje..adek saye..
jgn nk maen2 ek manje..asek dok jage kucing 10 ekor kt umah smpai xstudy...along balik nnt siap r!!mesti along yg kene jage itu kucing2...huhu..miss u!
Rhack.Top Roblox High School Hacker
5 years ago
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