hello people~
many people dont believe in online shopping..they think that the on9 boutique will cheat on them after the customer made a payment..i also had the same idea before..but after my close frends bought shoes n clothes from on9 shopping, i started positively thinking that this 0n9 shopping is great act! it started after my fren (ANIS) gave me the lists of on9 shopping boutique in Malaysia..u cant imagine on how long is the list. after got the website, i cannot move away from my lappy..it's all because of anis's fault..hehe..i had observed a lots of blogs and the designs are great, the prices are so not expected..it's cheaper than shopping the same things outside..most of my classmates (Girls) are addicted to this on9 shopping because of our FInal Year Dinner (MAKOSRA) is coming soon (on 29th march)..so everyone has started seeking for suitable but gorgeous dress..these are few dresses that i think very pretty...
nice kan?the price is rm58 only.ok..gurls yg berminat leh tnye i nnt kt mane laman web die..hehe..ade lagi satu kesah lawak...i ade suke one pinafore ni..save kan gmbr die..then nk beli balik da lupe whut is the website...cm nk gile gak i searched allover d lists smpai give up da...sape2 leh tlg??hehe..i mmg nk sgt beli that pinafore..ni gmbr die...sangat sopan..leh dipakai oleh org2 yg bertudung cm i jugak...hehe...ni da mcm promote jek...hehe...the price is rm 35 jek...hehe..
baju ni comel or org tu yg comel so baju tu nmpk comel?hehe...skali kalau i pakai..x chantek da bju tu...hehe...ni plak cardigan..murah je..rm39...hehe..promote2..mane tau one day nnt i plak wat on9 boutique ni...hehe..insyaAllah..doakan jela k?=)ececehhh...ehehe
Rhack.Top Roblox High School Hacker
5 years ago
aku dah try..mmg berbaloi..most yg dijual on9 kita susah nak cari kat luar, kalau ada pun mahal or ramai dah yg pakai..heee..
yep...so leh dipercayai la kan beb?hehe...on9 shopping senang..kite dok goyang2 kaki jek..nnt brg tu smpai..hehe..yg penting bile da ade kepercayaan kt butik tu lagi senang..n bju die byk up-to date gak kan..
ahahhaha...bile baju aku nk sampai neh!!!!!
cardigans tu pun aku kenan gak..tapi x beli lagi..lom ade budget lorh...
membe aku ckp die beli 12 hengget jek..tp mybe quality laen kot..huhu..aku beli cardigan tp bkan yg itu..nnt usha2 lagi if mak aku masuk duit..haha..ko nye dress smpai bile?
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