Thursday, March 26, 2009

hampir accident!

after finished our amali at anatomy lab, half of my classmates including me walked to the was about 4 pm..when we were walking and gossiping, we wnt to crossed the road as there are contruction works besides us.ade lori semen ni nk masuk then xleh sbb jalan kt tmpt cnstruction tu byk enjin lori tu pon mati byk2 kali n menggelongsor balik kat jalan raye yg kitorg tga jalan we decided to cross the road..bahayelaa skali lori cement tu leek kitorg...

so nk cross tu aku antare org dpn..ramai kt blakang..without looking at the back (assuming that everyone want to cross) so i expected that mestila xde kete n motor lalu sbb kitorg tga nk cross so mstila diorg stop...

ade this one penunggang motor agaknye nk tercirit or wat xtau la kan...maen jalan jek...when i turned back, teros nmpk die dkt gile..mmg tayar motor die dkt sgt...mmg sipi laa...

spontaneously i pon berganjak , berundur, stepped back.hehe...kalau x mmg kene laa...asma plak kt dpan mmg kena ngan badan budak tu..naseb budak moto tu mmg gile r..x sabar2..,mcm laa lari blok korg tuh!!

ishh..bongok!kalau x, x pasal i kene masuk hospital..dalam sejarah tu..xpenah masuk hspital lagik!

x nmpk kt org tga melintas so u shud slow down ur motor or even stop sbb mmg ramai yg tga nk melintas td...

mengong btol! kalau x abes r...pakcik yg kt tmpt cntruction tu pon ngutuk budak tu.. padan muke!



Anonymous said...

bebudak tadi tu mengong..
dah nampak ade construction lagi mau laju...dah la kite ramai2 tengah jalan kat situ..

IzZa NaDiaH aBaS said...

die tga cirit birit tu...ish...mau kurang harge hantaran aku td kalau kne langgr..huhu...Nauzubillah!

Unknown said...

yang kte2 pon bengong gak...
x tgk blakang..
budak tu pon tperanjat gak..
klu slap gaye..
mau x parah kene jawab lggr anak org..
pengajarannye:jgn lpe bce doa naek kenderaan ble meronggeng...

Anonymous said...

biar la die...cube kalo korang yg jd dak tu..nak tcirit sgt..mesti korang bwk laju gak kan?? sape sanggup cirit atas moto wehh..jatuh maruah..hahaha

IzZa NaDiaH aBaS said...

nura: btol gak agak2 la..kalau da nmpk budak2 ni nk melintas slow r moto...

hatred: haha..btol jugak tu..malu gile kalau tercirit atas mtor..bau lagik..yucks!

Anonymous said...

ish2..ngeri sungguh peristiwa itu..berhati2 lah dijalan raya..ingtlah org tersayang..
ekekekeke... :P

IzZa NaDiaH aBaS said...

hehe..thanx ye engt la org yg tersyg...huhu...

Unknown said...

baeklah awak...igt org tsyg...ekekeke

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