hye..today is d very tired day ever...mybe it's because of 'WOMAN DAY'..hehe...paham2 jela ek...
byk sgt yg nk ditulis rasenye..tp xtau nk start dari mane...
cite 1st :
study..penat...Alhamdulillah leh la jawab even ade cm rase mende tu slah..
lantak la izza..
da lepas da pon...
ptg smlm dlm kol 4 lebey.. (di saat x abes lagi bace notes)
EN.JAMES with MARTIN from tmpat prktikl kitorg dtg visit..
they have something to do in Bintulu..
so alang2..diorg pon singgah la UPM
im d one who gave him d directions to our kolej..
cm ayam n itik je ckp..
yela..die ckp sarawak..kite ckp biase jek..huhu
pastu kitorg jumpe kt bwah KK2..
sume org pndg jek..haha
pelik kot ade org cm GANGSTER visit kitorg..hehe
dalam mase aku kema n mai x abes bace lagi notes..
HAPPY SGT dpt jumpe diorg even kejap..
before balik diorg bg byk gile mknan...
- roti2 from Farley Bakery
- buah limau yg byk sgt! (cm raye cine plak rase)
- buah limau bali kesukaan anis
- air ape ntah namenye..
- aiskrim vanilla yg besar tuh..
kitorg pon berkampung di bilik J003...(my room)
ntok sesi MELANTAK...

x sempat amek gmbr d food before melantak..
ni pon time da nak abes.just limau tu mmg byk lg..
ade lagi satu plastik..haha..sape nk mintk ek..kt bilik saye.. J003 (gurls only)
thanx mr james n martin!muah3~
cite nombor 2~
i just dont understand with this kind of people~
why they cannot accept the meaning of 'adek angkat'?
is it wrong to have a pet brother?
when u dont have a brother n u want to feel that thing?
adek angkat n gurlfren/syg/honey watever panggilan for gf tu adalah due bende yg berbeze ok??
sgt berbeze...
the feelings is not the same...perasaan kt abg agkt or kakak angkt or adek agkt adelah perasaan cm adek bradek..oopss tipu...adek beradik n adek angkt laen..of course kite lagi syg n lebeykan our own bonding kan..same ibu ayah..
so pleasegurl out there..if ur bf r having adek agkt or kakak angkt or etc please laa...
diorg lagi syg korg kalau korg nk tau...
tp korg j x paham2..even die byk berangkat2..die still loves u..
so dont worry la..
tp engtla...bile kite x suke org tu..act ramai yg x suke kite...
so make frens with everyone!ok??
xyah takot k...
huhu..relax..cool down~
hehe...off story~
p/s : cite tersebut tidak berkaitan ngan sape2..hehe...harap maklum..chingchingching~
cite bernombor 3~
esok (26 march 2009)
ibu n ayah saye akan k Bandung iaitu Syurga membeli belah... (honeymooon ke??)
wahhh...i've made a shopping list on whut ibu shud buy for me as they didnt bring me also..
ibu ayah...hope both of u will have a safe n happy journey!
syg ibu..syg ayah!
pic of them during my cousin's wedd~
tga nari ni..mmg kaki nari..mane tumpahnye kuah kalau x ke nasi saye??hehe
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