the team!
i involved with tarian during this mlm gema warisan..at first bile tatum tnye 'akak bolehkan join kitorg nari'.. da excited da mase tu..kat upmkb ni xde peluang nk nari sgt cm kt mtric n skola sbb dulu masuk 2nd intake..jadiknye..sume panri upmkb da dipilih la..so ade peluang pon masuk nari cm pertandingan antare blok jela..huhu..kitorg nye tarian joget n kreatif..we all dapat 1ST place..and busana terCHANTEK..huhu...
at first adela ure2 yg ckp kitorg x leh menang..mcm2 la..even kitorg rase kitorg da wat d best..tp mulut org yg x puas ati xleh nk ditutup..so biar kan je..hehe..puas ati sgt..best! a really BIG THANX to DAFI as our koreografer, costume manager, make up artist..hehe...best...

this is dafi
comel la abg dafi nih...hehehe...=p
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