hye all...baru pas test VPK 2061 which is REPRODUKSI DAN PERUBATAN VETERINAR...huhu...d questions really makes brain hurt...sian die kan...hehehe...act i expected that all of the questions must be from the soooo longgg notes...suddenly bace soalan tu..sume from our amali that we did with PROF MADYA DR WAHID HARON from Serdang..puas la pale otak i memerah whut he has said during the amali..huhu...urhggg.....yg penting i know..30 out of 100 da mmg melayang....flying with wings~~hahaha...tension2...huuu....ok..let's get to the point...
these are d things yg ibu anta jumaat lepas..i took it from office kolej on tuesday on 11 am..there goes the picture.. roti gardenia yg da 3 bulan x jumpe
heels for makosra
ni parcel nyee
adelagi satu dress for makosra..tp nnt la tgk time i upload...hehe..
Rhack.Top Roblox High School Hacker
5 years ago
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