Sunday, March 22, 2009

xde mood~

nape xde mood nk study??

sume org da study..
come on la izza...nape xde mood ni..
hurm..xpelaa..mlas mau study...
tulis blog jela jawabnye...

td time isi air kt WATER KILLER...
nmpk makcik KK2 baru pas mandi n bawak baldi kuar dari toilet..
mybe die baru bsuh baju..sedey j tgk die...
cm saket kaki..jalan slow2..berat j angkt kaki..
nape still keje?siannye..hati aku cpt sket sayu if mende2 cmni...

pastu terus terengt nenek kt kmpg..
nenek n moyang slalu saket kaki..
if aku balik..ade la gak org tukang picit kaki diorg.
hurm..sabar ek..nnt izza balik..
kdg2 tlg ptg kuku diorg..kalau x,xde org da nk buatkan.

td skype ngan dafi...

die bg cdgn nk pakai ape ntok party kee???
hehe...die soh jadi SAILORMOON jek..hehe

die ckp susah if pakai tdung..kalau x leh jadi SNOW WHITE..xpon CINDERELLA..

sape dafi??

hehe...ape hubungan aku ngan dafi ni??hehe...rahsie la beb...
mane leh gtau...just nk letak gmbr die...

xdela...maen2 j sume tu...
jambu kottt mamat ni...haha..
enjoy ek!hehe...


Anonymous said...

ko de pape ek ngan dafi?pelbagai persoalan bermain di mindaku di saat dan ketika ini..chewah!ayat bkn maen..hehe..jwb janad..jgn xjwb!

Unknown said...

hai syg..
pki shantek2 tau nnt...
aku dah menang queen of the night tok dinner ladies day ari ni..
very the eppy lo0o0o..
blk dinner terus adap assignment...
tak sukerrrrrrr~

miss u dear..

IzZa NaDiaH aBaS said...

anis : haha...'kitorg kawan jek'..ayat artis x??class gitu...haha...ala..boleh x kalau x jawab soalan tu??wakakaka...

anem: yg..u menang ladies of d nite?wah..very d meriah ok..ko pakai ape?nape x upload gmbr??
mau tgk!

notorious_kill-joy said...


IzZa NaDiaH aBaS said...

shh...diam2 ek kalau da tau jie..hehe

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

aaaaaaaaaa....nape makhluk ni leh ade dlm blog ko?? ngerinyee!!

IzZa NaDiaH aBaS said...

apsal ngan die??biar r..huhu

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